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A Little Slice of Heaven in Michigan's UP

Beth Crawford

If you follow my blog, website, or facebook page, you can tell that I'm a Great Lakes girl. There's no place like Michigan's Upper Peninsula to get lost, and find yourself. Most of it is untouched by time, and for the adventurers who don't mind going slightly off grid and losing your cell phone signal, Kitchi-iti-kipi is a great destination!

Kitchi-iti-kipi is Michigan's largest spring fed lake. In the Ojibwe language, it translates to 'big cold lake,' but is also referred to as Mirror of Heaven. It was discovered in the 1920's, and was being used by a logging company. It was eventually sold to the State of Michigan for ten dollars and the promise that it would remain protected.

And, protected it is! You can't swim, fish, kayak, or stick your big toe in, but there is a hand operated platform with a glass floor that allows you to travel across part of the spring, where ancient logs are preserved in the cold water and large fish swim unthreatened. As an artist, I like to reveal the appearance of the ever-changing water by removing the color above the shoreline in most of my images. Depending on the season, time of day, and weather, the water's appearance changes like a mood ring and I'm captivated with every visit.

All images are available here at in my galleries.


© 2020 by Beth Crawford. Site by APTÉ.

Sunset Venice Beach - Beth Crawford
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