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The Spoils of Spring

Beth Crawford

Hooray for Spring! Here in Michigan, Spring is our reward for making it through a long, grueling winter that seems to drag on forever. Everything begins to come back to life, and the earth smells sweet again. Something I look forward to most is the great migration of birds, many of whom have spent their winter in various tropical locations.

This season has just been thrilling! I've seen more migraters than ever on my little lake in Milford, Michigan. Some of which I am familiar with, and some that I've never seen before! When I have to get out my Audubon bird reference guide, I'm a happy camper!

This is a male Rose-breasted Grosbeak who passed through my area this May. He has flown thousands of miles, probably heading from Mexico to his Canadian destination for the Summer. From the back, you could easily miss him. His black and white feathers resemble that of a downy woodpecker. However, when he turns around his beautiful rose-colored 'ascot' is unmistakable. This beautiful male posed for me, which almost never happens! Thank you Spring!


© 2020 by Beth Crawford. Site by APTÉ.

Sunset Venice Beach - Beth Crawford
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